
Green Season Safari Guide to Southern Africa

By Kings Camp Team on September 11, 2024

The “Green Season” is a term well-known in the safari industry, referring to a specific time of the year when the rains arrive, and the bushveld bursts into life, cloaked in vibrant shades of green. While this time of year is not typically considered the prime safari season in Southern Africa, the Green Season is truly one of the safari world’s best-kept secrets. From unparalleled birding to the chance to witness newborn animals, the Green Season offers unique safari experiences that shouldn’t be overlooked, especially for nature lovers and wildlife enthusiasts.

Let’s dive into some of the highlights of booking a Green Season safari in Southern Africa.

When is Green Season?

The Green Season generally spans from November through April, during Southern Africa’s rainy season. These months bring humid, hot days that are often punctuated by magnificent afternoon thunderstorms, transforming the landscape into a lush, emerald paradise. The rainy season not only rejuvenates the bushveld but also supports the proliferation of life in all forms – from vegetation to wildlife.

Unbeatable Birding

For avid birders, the Green Season is a dream come true. This time of year sees an influx of migratory birds, making it the best season for birdwatching in the Kruger National Park and the greater Timbavati region, where Kings Camp is located. The skies are alive with colourful flocks of migratory species such as European rollers, woodland kingfishers, and bee-eaters, along with endemic species like the iconic lilac-breasted roller.

The abundance of water and lush vegetation creates ideal conditions for birdlife to thrive, and the dense greenery serves as the perfect backdrop for spotting and photographing rare and beautiful birds. Whether you’re an experienced twitcher or a novice birder, the Green Season offers the chance to tick off some of Southern Africa’s most sought-after species from your birding list.

Best Light for Photographers

The Green Season also provides magical lighting conditions for photography. With dramatic thunderclouds often rolling in during the afternoons, photographers are treated to a play of light and shadow that creates breathtaking compositions. The grey skies and cloud cover diffuse harsh sunlight, ensuring soft, even lighting for wildlife photography.

As the storm clouds begin to clear, the sunsets reflect brilliant colours in the sky, from warm oranges and pinks to purples and blues. Photographers will appreciate the chance to capture wildlife in this golden hour against a backdrop of a lush, green bushveld—perfect for stunning, atmospheric shots. Whether it’s the mist rising after the rains or the vibrant greenery, the Green Season is a treasure trove for any photographer.

New Life in the Bush

The Green Season is also a time of new beginnings in the animal kingdom. Many animals, including impalas, wildebeests, and warthogs, give birth during this period, and the bush is teeming with adorable baby animals. The sight of young calves, lambs, and cubs frolicking in the lush grass is heartwarming and offers a unique experience for safari-goers.

Not only is it thrilling to witness new life, but predators like lions, cheetahs, and wild dogs are also more active as they seize the opportunity to hunt during this time of plenty. This interaction between predator and prey is both fascinating and raw, offering visitors a window into the natural rhythms of the African bush.

Prime Time to Visit Cape Town

Another wonderful perk of the Green Season safari is the opportunity to combine your trip with a visit to one of the world’s most iconic cities: Cape Town. While much of Southern Africa experiences rain during this time, Cape Town enjoys its peak summer months, offering warm, sunny weather from October through to April.

December through February is prime beach season in Cape Town, where you can enjoy the vibrant energy of the city’s outdoor culture. Whether you’re relaxing on the buzzing beaches of Camps Bay, indulging in world-class dining, or embarking on wine-tasting tours in the surrounding Cape Winelands, Cape Town offers a rich and diverse experience. And, of course, no trip is complete without a visit to Table Mountain, where the views are particularly spectacular during the dry summer months.

See Victoria Falls in Full Flood

If you’re extending your safari beyond South Africa, another iconic destination worth considering during the Green Season is Victoria Falls. Between March and July, Victoria Falls is in full flood, making it the most dramatic time to witness the world’s largest sheet of falling water in all its thunderous glory.

This time of year also offers the chance to explore nearby Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe’s largest game reserve. Hwange is home to large elephant herds, big cats, and numerous other wildlife species. The rainy season is particularly rewarding for game viewing in Hwange, as the landscape is lush and wildlife sightings are plentiful.

Is Rain a Disadvantage?

While it may seem that the rain is a disadvantage, particularly for those concerned about game drives, it’s important to note that summer rain in Southern Africa is rarely unpleasant. Showers often come in short bursts, mostly in the afternoons, leaving behind fresh, cool air that is perfect for relaxing or an afternoon siesta. After the rain subsides, the bush comes alive with the sounds of birds and insects, and the vegetation sparkles with dew, creating a rejuvenated and vibrant atmosphere.

Moreover, the rains also mean fewer safari vehicles, so guests often enjoy more exclusive sightings of wildlife in a less crowded setting. With the added bonus of reduced rates during the Green Season, it’s a wonderful time to experience the African bush in its most vibrant and lush state.

The Green Season may not be as popular as the dry season for safaris, but it offers a rich tapestry of experiences that are just as rewarding. From world-class birding, incredible photographic opportunities, and newborn wildlife, to combining your safari with a trip to sunny Cape Town or the Victoria Falls, there’s so much to look forward to during this season. With the bush in full bloom and life at its most abundant, the Green Season is truly a magical time to explore Southern Africa.

So, why not embrace the unexpected and book your Green Season safari with Kings Camp Private Game Reserve today? A world of natural wonder awaits.


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